FRAC’s CEP Toolkit

Grouping Tool and Financial Calculators

This website allows school districts and other stakeholders to group school for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to maximize participation and the federal funding a school district will receive. To qualify for CEP, a group of schools must have an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of 25 percent or higher. FRAC has developed these tools to support the implementation of CEP.

  • CEP Grouping Tool: This tool allows school districts and other stakeholders to strategically group schools to maximize the federal funding a school district will receive if they adopt community eligibility.
  • Break Even Calculator: Use your ISP and basic information about your school nutrition operations to calculate the participation needed (in breakfast, lunch, supper and/or snack) to break even.
  • District Level Calculator: Dig deeper to look at expenses and revenue under community eligibility by school type and compare implementing community eligibility to your current operations

About FRAC

Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national nonprofit organization working to eradicate poverty-related hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC was instrumental in the creation and implementation of the Community Eligibility Provision. FRAC continues to provide technical assistance to school districts, state agencies, and anti-hunger advocates on strategies to successfully implement community eligibility.

About Community Eligibility

Community eligibility allows high-poverty schools to offer school breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students. Community eligibility reduces administrative paperwork for schools so they can focus on providing healthy meals to help students learn and thrive; increases school meal participation by removing stigma; maximizes federal reimbursements; and makes it easier to implement innovative service models like Breakfast in the Classroom. Community eligibility is a win for everyone – administrators, students, families, and school nutrition staff.

For more information on community eligibility, go to