
This website allows school districts and other stakeholders to group school for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to maximize the federal funding a school district will receive. To qualify for CEP, a group of schools must have an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of 40 percent or higher. This tool is designed to support the implementation of CEP.

The website is designed to provide grouping for schools to assist school districts plan for community eligibility adoption.

  • It allows school districts and other stakeholders to group schools for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in order to maximize the federal funding that a school district will receive.
  • Schools need to have a minimum 40% ISP to qualify for CEP
  • The group ISP is calculated by dividing the total number of identified students across all schools in the group by the total enrollment across all schools in the group.
  • When schools participate in CEP as a group, they all use the same ISP to claim federal reimbursements for school meals served.

Community eligibility allows high-poverty schools to offer school breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students. It helps school districts across the country reach a larger range of students and improve nutrition among students in poverty.


We are experiencing some technical difficulties with the CEP tool so it is temporarily offline while we fix them.  Please check back here to see when the tool will be available again.

About FRAC

Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national nonprofit organization working to eradicate poverty-related hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC was instrumental in the creation and implementation of the Community Eligibility Provision. FRAC continues to provide technical assistance to school districts, state agencies, and anti-hunger advocates on strategies to successfully implement community eligibility.

No Account?

If you or your school district does not already have an account, you can create one here.

Sign Up Financial Calculator Tools

CEP Tool

Try out our tool that allows you to:

  • upload data for schools in your district,
  • enter goal ISP rates, and
  • view groupings of schools to meet those goals.
Upload CEP Data View Uploaded Data

Financial Calculator Tools

While we are working to add these to our website, you can download an Excel version of these three financial calculator tools:

CEP Break-Even Calculator CEP District Level Calculator CEP School Level Calculator